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Wheelchair Helper

Designer: 吳凡

在原有產品上採用”Plus on”的概念發想,增強輪椅使用上的限制,保有電能驅動輔具的便利性,以及傳統輪椅的輕便、較易取得,讓輪椅使用者能夠在近、中途的距離內減低推行負擔。改善在安裝推進器時的卡榫接座問題,讓輪椅在無須另外加掛的情況下使用推進器。

Based on the concept of “Plus on”, the “Wheelchair Helper” enhances the usability and keeps the convenience and accessibility of the traditional electrical-driven wheelchair, and reduces the load on short and long distance during driving.
The “Wheelchair Helper” makes it possible to apply the thrust without complex modification on the chair by improving the latch problem during installment of the thruster.

MOE PROJECT      本課程由教育部顧問室支持
© ​2012 by NTUST DITL
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